Saturday, July 30, 2011

Anticipation and Preparation


1. The action of making ready or being made ready for use.
2. Something done to get ready for an event or undertaking.

Yesterday I went to the market and stocked up on greens and nut and seeds. Today I layed by the pool and reread the chapter on raw eating in the book, "Super Cleanse". So on monday August 1st I am going to begin a 30 day raw food journey. Last year I ate raw for about 3 weeks and ended up with a very bloated belly, the whole reason I started the raw food cleanse in the first place. Later, I realized the problem was that I was eating too many nuts! I now know that's not the way to get protien but fat into our diets. Fat is something that I know I need personally because of my norml healthy way of eating. Fat is necessary for brain function, for organs and joints, etc. And raw nuts soaked overnight for easier digestion are a great way to get it. But greens have plenty of protien and green smoothies are an excellent way to get enough into your daily diet, especially if you are someone like myself who exercises and sweats a lot. I will be using my book, "The Green Smoothie Revolution" along with "Super Cleanse" and the internet to find recipes for this month long experience. I'm hoping to find increased energy and focus, clearer thinking, eyes and skin from eating raw. I also hope that this can be become a new way of life for me.

I hope you will enjoy this blog as I post my thoughts and feelings along the way, along with recipes for you to try out yourself. I truly believe that food in it's natural form is how we are meant to consume it, as opposed to frozen or processed. This is the perfect time of year to do this as we have the Rochester Farmers Market every Saturday morning from 6am till 1pm and lots of organic greens available at Whole Foods, Trader Joes and even Krogers right here in our very own backyard. Here is my first recipe post and what I had for dinner tonight. I know it's not August yet, but when I saw this recipe in "Super Cleanse" I remembered how it became a tasty staple last time I went raw! Enjoy! And remember, you are rawsome!


Kale cut into chiffonade(ribbons)
Fresh Lime Juice
Sea Salt
Sunflower Seeds

Toss first 4 ingredients in a bowl. With your hands, squeeze as you mix to wilt the kale, break down the fibers and coat the leaves with avocado. Add the remaining ingredients and toss together. Spoon serving onto a plate and enjoy!

Note- I didn't include amounts because I want you to make your salad as large as you want. It's like a meal so I usually use a big bowl full of kale, a whole avocado and tomato, a big chunk of lime and a handful of seeds and olives(any pitted kind).