Tuesday, August 2, 2011

1st Day Success!

So my first day was a great success. At the beginning I always find myself forgetting that I am now eating only raw. So no coffee with whipped cream piled high. No scones or crackers. I started my day off with a great recipe from Super Cleanse called Apple Porridge. It looks exactly like hot cereal and is so satisfying. Next I went to Chomp, a restaurant here in Rochester that whips up amazing green smoothies to order, and only $5.00. They happen to be serving gazpacho soup so I ordered a large bowl  in anticipation of lunch. Later on I had a big Kale Avocado salad for dinner. I finally saw "Midnight in Paris" and fell madly in love with love again and enjoyed snacking on raw carrots and a raw Kombucha tea from Whole Foods. After the movie for a snack I had olive romulade and cucumbers which is so delicious. I wanted to get some raw crackers but all of the stores were closed by the time I had a chance to stop. But veggies are great dippers too! On to day two now. I'll post some more recipes that I've mentioned later today. Namaste~ Life is Rawsome!

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