Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 7 - My Sweet Tooth is Killing Me!

My refrigerator looks like a garden in full bloom. A friend is graciously sharing his share of a CSA (community supported agriculture) where you pay a set amount at the beginning of the season and then one day a week receive an abundance of freshly picked vegetables. You should see the amazing heirloom tomatoes, juicy green peppers, bib lettuce and sweet grape tomatoes I  got on Saturday from him! I also bought some Cacoa Nips and am going to make some Raw Fudge soon to ease my sweet tooth. I have been talking raw with people everywhere I go and there are more people interested in this way of eating than I ever imagined. So.....Updog Yoga will be hosting  a class called, "The Yoga of Nutrition" on August 21st from 4 till 5:30pm with Moses and Zeina. The cost is only $15.00 and you will be learning about this way of eating and healing your body from some real pros! Hope you can join us. I am continuing to have a green smoothie daily which makes me feel so energized. I ate out a couple times over the weekend and was overwhelmed by the support the restaurants around town offered to create a salad for me with all raw ingredients. Yesterdays spread of food was beautiful and included mango salsa, guacamole and raw hommus with raw crackers(or Flackers), fresh carrots and watermelon. What a delicious meal, and so light and healthy on a hot humid day. I'll be posting more recipes later. Thanks for sharing this experience and feel free to post your questions and comments. I changed the settings on here so anyone can post easily. Namaste~

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