Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 9 - Sprouting Consciousness-

So I am bound and determined to figure this sprouting thing out. Seems like some peeps leave out some info, like placing sprouts in darkness or covering them with a towel after the initial soak. So I am throwing away a big bowl of Raw Tabouli today. It's O.K, I have some new quinoa soaking now. I think the problem was, besides the darkness thing, that I let them sprout too long. I guess once the tail, or sprout, is as long as the bean or grain, then they are done. One recipe said that when you bite into it it's soft and chewy, like bulgar. I think I should have put them in the fridge, which stops the sprouting process, after the first day instead of waiting it out for two. Oh well, nothing too serious. They just started to smell sour. I made the tabouli anyway thinking this was normal. But not so!

Today I am going to attempt Raw Fudge and Kale chips in my dehydrator. I've heard the chips are a yummy substitution for potato chips, which I never eat, and can satisfy a salt craving. I normally eat a lot of corn chips since I am gluten free because of sinus issues and digestive problems. So I'm really excited to try these, once they're done.

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